Monday, October 27, 2014

The last post

My experience with English was very strange, I started studying English on another university, then I dropped it, and now I'm bring back together with this languaje. It've been a little bit hard this semester, I had to miss many classes because of another classes that are too much demanding, and that's a problem with our career, sometimes we have to quit in order to pass the "important" classes and don't get behind schedule. Probably that's the worst of learning English at university, is not considered a priority so we can't dedicate the time that is required when you are learning another languajes, so you can't practice by talking or writing. And that's why I think that the use of blogs became important in the development of the classes, is a constant exercise, and after a certain time you realize that your English has improved, for example now I think and write faster, so the ideas comes clearly when I have to say something. Also it have been a lot of help for my work, I have to deal with many turist and foreigner people, so when they ask me about a topic, is not that hard formulate a clear  an easy answer for them.  

The things that I leave for the future are work on my pronunciation and try to improve on my vocabulary, probably next semester I will take a XX Century Music class that is give on English, so that's my opportunity to continue with the practice. Meanwhile, I tried to keep using English by reading a lot of blogs and interesting texts, and also listening to music and trying to follow the lyrics... sometimes I try to sing a little bit, but I think that the sound of my voice is not very delightful, so that kind of English practice is set aside for the shower time.


  1. If you can take another class of english, like elective class, is the best thing to practice!

    so, Come on!

  2. I must also put off by other English courses. Unfortunately, after the workshop I am very tired and would rather go home to sleep.
    English classes are fun, and help you a lot, but you need to keep practicing outside of class.

  3. our career have biggest problems of organization of the subjects and all the rules for do some subjects you called like "important" and another less important like english, i think if the english could be a great tool to read a lot of text about the scenic arts, is very important grow our experience using this tool to read theory or magazines dedicated for the scenic arts in english and use this for our work.

  4. I think that you are right!, other subjects takes a lot of time... And this is not fair to english, but well.... Some people are so tired to the class, and my opinion is the same than Melanie: We Could do the blogs in our homes .
